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Lactation Consultation

In-office $130.

At-home $180.

Your Board Certified Lactation Consultant will teach you the art of breastfeeding and the science behind it. She will listen to your medical history & your birth story, examine your baby & your breasts, observe a feeding session with pre-and post- weights,  teach positioning & latch, problem solve any concerns such as sore nipples or difficulty latching and  provide you with a written care plan. If necessary, she will  provide referrals to other providers.  Approximately 75-90 mins.

Follow-Up Visit

In-office $80.

The follow up visit is focused on the specific problems identified during the initial consult. Your Board Certified Lactation Consultant will review your care plan and discuss with you what did and did not work well. New strategies will be added to your care plan as appropriate.

If new problems are identified you will be invited to return for a Lactation Consult.

Only offered in-office.

Approximately 30-45 mins


Back-to-Work Visit

In-office $65.

Are you returning to the workplace after being at home with your baby? Feeling uncertain about how to juggle breastfeeding, pumping & bottles? Worried about maintaining your milk supply? Not sure what your rights are as a breastfeeding mother in the workplace? Come see us for a Back-to-Work Visit!  We will address your concerns and provide you with a written care plan. Approximately 45-60 minutes.

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